#16 – October 3, 1986

by Marialena
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Mom and christianna hanging out in 1989

Mom and I hang out, taken probably in 1989

#16 – October 3, 1986
Silver Springs, MD

Sweetness – you and I came to the states for a little while, so I could do research and you get a whiff of America. You’re enjoying it, playing with Gramma Dottie*, Karen, Lynne, the cat, Melon, sometimes with Irish, the stick-in-the-mud Irish Setter. You’re even beginning to get attention from, and give to, Grampa Archie*!

You play all day, usually best when not with me. They all seem to have more craziness in them than I do, they all sit on the floor and play as long as you do! You enjoy it. I tried to find a day care center for you, but you’re still too young. You’ve got to be exactly 2 years old and you’ve still got a month and a half to go! So, we’re searching for alternatives, so you can play with other children. Since August your life has been one change after another and you seem happy enough.

It took you a week to adjust to the time difference, plus, get over a cold. Besides playing, you’re hearing a lot of English and you seem to understand that this country works in the same language that strange sounding mama uses. So, once in a while, you say oh-ee**, now you say “no” – and emphatically! You say “me me” when you mean mine; and you say joce when you want orange juice. When your nose needs blowing you start a complaining sound and say no-ose, no-ose! You still make up words, “bapitass” is something hurts, or something fell down.

You are so sweet, still winning hearts. You do whine a lot too, though. Frustration because you can’t tell us what you want – other times, a tantrum. When you do finally speak, whining will stop.

You enjoy making me go to “nani”*** next to you. You’ll push my head down on the pillow, then hug my neck and lie down next to me or make sure I keep my eyes closed! You like plush carpeting, roll around all the time and slide, belly down, down the staircase – I love you.

De-ya: is “again” or “more”
In the mornings you literally sing ma-a-a, ma-amaaka

P.S. you also say mame (πάμε), ντάντιο (κάτω ή down), mommy and “yos” for yes!! Once in a while, you still say ναι****.

Christianna’s Notes & Translations

*Gramma Dottie and Grampa Archie are Karen’s parents, who my mom met while in Iran
** “oh-ee” refers to the Greek word for “no,” which is pronounced “o-chi”
*** “Nani” refers to the Greek word for “taking a nap,” it is not used among adults, but rather, a word for babies and young children.
**** “πάμε” means “let’s go” and is pronounced, “pa-me,” while “ναι” means yes and is pronounced “ne”

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