#1 – August 14, 1985

by Marialena
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mom and christianna summer 1985

Mom and Christianna and some random boy (Summer 1985)

#1 – August 14, 1985
Kifissia, Greece

Today my sweet Christianna you are 9 months old. What a treasure of a little person you are. I simply glance at you and you bring a huge smile to my face and fill me with warmth.

You have a personality, already, with likes and dislikes, an expressive face – your eyebrows come together when you don’t understand something – your face lights up, your eyes shine when you’re happy.

Today you stood up without holding on to anything, you were so thrilled you did it over and over again.

You go crazy when you see your father, kick arms and legs. When he sings “your” song, you dance and sing along. When you’re content and drinking milk, you’ll bounce one leg on the other.

The first page of the first entry of the Journal

The first page of the first entry of the Journal

You’re full of curiosity – when we are outside I don’t exist, you’re so enthralled with this new world around you. You try to catch flies and your face wrinkles up when they get away… you follow ants with your eyes and can sit forever watching Afendi or stray cats.

You haven’t gone through the “fear of separation” stage – you’ll go to anyone that wants you – you’re very social – you are so good humored- always smiling – rarely grumpy.

You like to be free and crawl around and giggle with all your body when we play chase . You’ll run and suddenly stop to see where I am. If I’m close, you throw your hands up in the air, laugh and scurry off again, otherwise, you’ll wait until I get close.

You’re discovering the world my little one, food, objects, sounds, all of it fascinates you – and usually passes through your mouth too! Especially Bic lighters. I do love you.

Read my response: 
The dedication page of the journal

The dedication page of the journal

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