
Impromptu photo taken by my good friend, Rita, in July 2017, in Kifissia, Greece.

About the Blog

Finding Diamonds in the Snow is the blog I would have liked to have found when dealing with my grief, one that attempts to deal with the aftermath of loss, as it relates to an entire life and not as an isolated incident between a person and the departed; one that finds the common human thread in our individual struggles. It is also what I would have liked to read when I felt alone in dealing with any personal issue. It isn’t scientific, it isn’t a source of counseling – although, I find it therapeutic – it is incredibly personal and raw, like loss itself and at the same time, extremely universal, like humanity itself.

The best way, however, to understand what this blog is all about is by reading the first post I wrote for it.

About You

As for who I am writing this blog for… for my brothers, for my family, for anyone who is experiencing loss – in any of its forms – for patients going through a difficult diagnosis, for parents doing their best in raising their children, for the woman who is trying to find an equitable place in modern society, for the defeated searching for strength to get back up and maybe take another punch, for the hopeless searching for light in the end of the tunnel, for anyone who believes in our shared humanity, for me.

I find it slightly more difficult to speak about myself, which is ironic considering this entire blog is a publicly displayed processing of my mom’s life and death, the journals she wrote to me when I was young and my attempt, as an adult, to find meaning in our collective existence, while finding comfort in those human moments of kindness, compassion and understanding.

About Me

Who I am, factually and emotionally, is revealed throughout the posts within the blog, however, I will attempt at a conventional introduction as well:

My name is Christianna and I am a 33-year-old Greek-American. I was born in Athens, Greece and have lived (t)here for most of my life. I lived in the United States, in MD, for six months in first grade and then again for undergrad and grad school, in Boston and New York, respectively. I am a nomad, going between Greece and the USA; one cannot know with certainty where they will find me at any given point.

My career has followed an entrepreneurial path as of the last six years, while my expertise is in marketing strategy and communications. If this information doesn’t satisfy your curiosity, please feel free to visit my LinkedIn page.

The blog is a passion project that I have been thinking about in one way or another since I was 16. As I matured, the passion matured, as I evolved, the concept evolved, as I found myself at an impasse with myself, the need for it to take real form overpowered me.

Feel free to Contact Me with questions, comments or feedback – I would love to hear from you –  and don’t hold back.