#35 – July 20, 1989

by Marialena
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Philip and Christianna eating ice cream on the beach, summer 1989

Greek summer at its finest. Summer 1989

#35 – July 20, 1989
Stavros, Crete

Lady got poisoned last night – our 9-month-old terrier whom we all loved, but especially you. This morning we both got up early, so I decided to take you down to the beach to tell you.

“I want Lady – I don’t want Lady to die – I want to see her – I want to play with Lady,” those are the things you said, as you cried, over and over again.

After I told you the story 3-4 times (you wanted me to tell you again,) I suggested we talk, remember all the good things about Lady, how she hopped like a rabbit yesterday trying to catch a bird, chasing flies, trying to sneak off with shoes, etc.

So, this afternoon, when we came home and saw her empty house you said,

“Let’s sit για να συζητήσουμε τη Lady πάλι.”*

So, I started to tell you how it happened again, and you said, “No, not that, the good things” and you said that you wanted to get another dog just like Lady so she won’t be sad.

Christianna’s Notes & Translations

*  “Let’s sit για να συζητήσουμε τη Lady πάλι,” translates to, “Let’s sit so we can discuss Lady again.”

Read my response: 
Mom and the kids, 1990

Mom, Philip and myself in 1990

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